Learn & Explore

10 Tips for a Thriving Mid-July Garden

This summer in Alberta has been challenging, to say the least, with a few late frost hits, lack of early season rain, and a rush of heat late in the...

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Raising Broilers for the First Time

On our journey to self-sufficiency, this year we decided to raise broiler chickens of our own. With the rising cost of meat and groceries in general we are always looking...

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The Key to Rainwater Harvesting: Unlocking Sustainable Water Solutions

Water is a fundamental resource that sustains all life forms on our planet. Yet, water scarcity has become an increasing concern, exacerbated by climate change and population growth. In the...

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FAQ: Everything DIY

DIY building projects can be a fulfilling way to create and customize structures around your home. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a novice looking to start your first...

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The Natural Way: Effective Pest Controls for Your Garden

Gardening can be a fulfilling and relaxing experience, but garden pests can quickly turn it into a frustrating and challenging task. While chemical pesticides can be found in most garden...

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FAQ: Everything DIY Building Guides

DIY building projects can be a fulfilling way to create and customize structures around your home. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a novice looking to start your first...

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Building a Community · Deepening Connections with Like-Minded Homesteaders

Homesteading, while rewarding, can be a challenging journey. It's a path that becomes significantly more enriching and manageable when shared with a community of like-minded individuals. Creating a network of...

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Homemade Cleaning Products for a Natural Homestead

In the journey towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, creating your own homemade cleaning products is a simple yet effective step. Not only do these natural solutions help reduce...

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Setting up your Homestead: Key Considerations

Embarking on a homesteading journey is an exciting endeavor that promises a life of self-sufficiency, closer connection to nature, and a more sustainable way of living. However, setting up a...

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